Sorting – A


In this lesson, students will arrange objects in a logical order. The lesson can be conducted multiple times using different objects and attributes.

Rationale (Why we are doing this?)

Sorting and sorting processes are an important part of managing data.


  • Hoola hoops (5)
  • 5 signs: “Red,” “Blue,” “Green,” “Yellow,” “Other”
  • Various objects, examples include: coloured math counters, crayons, buttons, beads, pieces of paper, toys

Context and Background Knowledge

Students will need to have a very basic background with scissors and tape. It also helps to give a students a chance to see rocket design/features. This can be done through pictures, video, class discussions, etc. This can be made more complex when student start to compare actual rocket parts to the correlating parts of the their water rocket.

Curricular Connections (Competencies and Content)

Developing readiness and beginning to explore computational thinking.

Explore + Understand + Create (Key elements/Lesson Design/Format)

  1. Students sit in circle with hoola-hoops in the centre
  2. Colour signs are placed inside the hoola-hoops
  3. Teacher begins to model the sorting procedure with chosen objects (based on the attribute of colour)
  4. Each student is given several objects and asked to place them in the appropriate hoop
  5. When all of the objects are placed, teacher asks questions such as, “How do you think we did?”, “Why do you think that?, “Do we need to make any changes?”


  • Activity can be repeated several times with different objects and attributes including shape, size, weight, etc.

Assessment for learning:

Teacher observes students’ placement of objects during activity