
Clay Projects

As a trans-curricular “maker project” students complete a novel study on J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy classic…

Electric Motors

After learning the basics of creating a circuit and electromagnetics, students design and create…


In this project, students build a weaving loom and create a woven piece on it. As part of the loom making process…

Water Bottle Rockets

Students design and test water rockets made from recyclable plastic bottles. Students are…


Using cardstock cut outs, material, thread, needles, stuffing and wool students will design and sew dolls to use in creating…


Using wood and woodworking tools students will create birdhouses. This project will allow…

Castle Building

Using a geometric map as a template, students construct a castle from individual hydrostone plaster bricks…


After some discussion about a devastating forest fire in Alberta, students wanted to start a fundraiser…

Caine's Arcade

Build an old fashioned “arcade” out of cardboard and tape. I’ve done this twice with…

Paper Tower Building Challenge

In this activity students will work in groups to create the tallest possible structure…

Straws & Connectors RollerCoaster

Build a roller coaster (Or any other structure) out of straws and connectors…

Making a Tetrahedral Kite

Students will make a Tetrahedral Kite and explore the forces that keep it aloft…

Rube Goldberg Machines

Using recycled and other found objects, students use math and science knowledge to design and build Rube Goldberg machines!

Cedar Planters

Students build cedar planters to hold seedlings they grew…

Tablet Stand

Build a class set of Tablet stands with your class using DLRC Tool Kits!

Book or Smartphone Stand

Build a stand that can be used to hold a book or smartphone using DLRC toolkits!

String Art

Using simple hand tools and some geometry, create all sorts of designs!

Frame Loom

Students first build a simple frame loom, and then create woven patterns of their own!

mBot Activities

Using the mBot Kits at the DLRC, get your students programming a robot using Scratch!

Sewing Kits

Using the DLRC Sewing kits, students will learn to sew!

Dash & Dot Activities

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